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Sea Cucumbers Prevent the Child From Stunting

This article is part of the #PelangiDiLautan : Welfare program for smiles at sea

This program is a collaboration between several blockchain-based companies to introduce and explore sea cucumbers more broadly, improve the standard of living and welfare of fishermen, and commit to realize a better economic ecosystem.

The writings in the #PelangiDiLautan program are inspired by the experience carried out in the Saumlaki area, West Southeast Maluku. However, some characters, characters, events, locations and dialogues are fiction and are arranged dramatically to make it more interesting. If there are similarities in the names of characters, places of events or stories, it is merely a coincidence and there is no element of intent

Sea cucumbers can prevent stunting. Indonesia is the biggest producer of sea cucumbers. However, more than 30 percent of children under five years old in this country suffer from stunting.
In one village in Saumlaki, Maluku. Susi and Siti are sisters who grew up from a simple family. His father works as a fisherman and his mother is only a housewife. Susi and Siti were only 3 years gap. Susi is currently 8 years old and Siti is 5 years old. Their mother felt that there was something strange about the growth of her two children, Susi who was older than her sister who had a shorter height than Siti. After being checked by a doctor at the village health center, Susi experienced stunting, which is where the growth process is experiencing disruption so that she has an abnormality in growing height, this stunting usually occurs due to lack of nutrition received by children at a young age.
Susi does have less nutritional intake than Siti. Their families have financial problems when the difficulty of selling their fish several years ago. This condition makes it difficult to provide balanced nutrition for their children, but Siti who has normal growth is a result of the difficulties in the process of selling sea cucumbers, so the families consume sea cucumbers for themself. It turns out that the nutrient content of sea cucumbers that have been very complex provides important properties for the growth and development of the children, but not for Susi who does not like to consume sea cucumbers.

Doctors recommend that Susi regularly consume foods that contain beneficial nutrients for her growing period, one of which is by trying to consume sea cucumbers. Susi’s mom also processed a lot of sea cucumbers with Susi’s favorite dishes so that she would consume it, it was quite difficult at the beginning for her to eat this type of marine animal, but over time with the enjoyment of her mother’s cooking concoctions, she became happy eating sea cucumbers. In addition to sea cucumbers, she also eats foods with high vitamin and calcium content.
Stunting is quite dangerous for children’s growth and development because it can interfere with the process of brain development and interest in learning. Therefore, it is important for parents to maintain the nutritional content of their children’s food so that they can grow and develop properly in order to become the nation’s successor. At present, the condition of stunting children in Indonesia has reached millions of kids. This stunting condition can also be detrimental to the quality of the nation’s successors later, human resources that do not have good quality due to the difficulty of child development that is detrimental in the future in building the nation.

As one type of marine animal that have extraordinary nutritional content and are very important for growing, sea cucumbers become one type of food that can be used as a source of nutrition for children. Sea cucumber Holothuria Scabra is the most consumed because it has a high content of anti-cancer and antioxidant substances, and several other types of sea cucumbers.
In improving the quality of these sea cucumbers, fishermen are assisted by Ledgernow in processing and cultivating sea cucumbers by using modern technology tools. Ledgernow, which supports the quality of life and welfare levels of fishermen, helps by maintaining the quality of Indonesian sea cucumbers to be more recognizable by the community who later make food choices for the people of Indonesia. Ledgernow with a blockchain-based system helps the process of sea cucumber supply to consumers with an easier and modern system. An automatic delivery track record system with the transparency of the payment process directly received by fishermen will facilitate the sale and welfare of fishermen. Supply process that can be tracked automatically and in real-time will make it easier for consumers to know the storage process of sea cucumbers and the time they arrive. SSC is a blockchain-based supply system that can reliably connect consumers directly with high-quality sea cucumber fishermen.

The easy process of sending sea cucumbers to the city community will certainly help many Indonesian children in getting food with high nutritional content such as the nutritional content of sea cucumbers. Sea cucumbers can help Indonesian children in preventing stunting due to the nutritional content of food that is currently not healthy enough for consumption. Let’s prevent stunting children from an early age, balanced consumption of nutrition so that the child’s growth and development becomes better. Click the following link to learn more about Ledgernow

Temindo (Teknologi Mandiri Indonesia, PT)

TEMINDO is a company that provides business automation solutions for the integration and collaboration of companies with blockchain technology.


PureHeart is an initiative based on social activities committed to sustainable development goals with end-to-end blockchain technology so that the standard of living of Indonesians is increasing.

SSC (Sustainable Supply Chain)

SSC (Sustainable Supply Chain) is a blockchain solution for fast and safe collaboration for companies in the supply chain that aims to reduce operational costs, improve customer service and accelerate the delivery of goods and services to consumers.


YONK is a financial management application for SME owners (Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises) so that they get real time financial reports with prediction analysis features to help improve the credibility of MSMEs to finance companies (Financing Companies) using blockchain technology.


AELL is a solution to help manage digital medical record data integrated and integrated between hospitals and clinics so as to speed up the process of patient care, facilitate referral and protect patient data with blockchain technology.

Global Usaha Semesta

Global Usaha Semesta is a solution in the fishing industry related to trade, transportation, agriculture and fishing production services. Serving as the core that supports the operational needs of fishermen partners / plasma in the form of support for fisheries equipment platforms, industry and financing with blockchain technology. Website

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Sea Cucumbers for Skin Care

This article is part of the #PelangiDiLautan : Welfare program for smiles at sea

This program is a collaboration between several blockchain-based companies to introduce and explore sea cucumbers more broadly, improve the standard of living and welfare of fishermen, and commit to realize a better economic ecosystem.

The writings in the #PelangiDiLautan program are inspired by the experience carried out in the Saumlaki area, West Southeast Maluku. However, some characters, characters, events, locations and dialogues are fiction and are arranged dramatically to make it more interesting. If there are similarities in the names of characters, places of events or stories, it is merely a coincidence and there is no element of intent

Sea cucumbers are one of  marine animals that are rich in benefits, not only for health but also for women’s beauty. Yes, sea cucumbers can be used as a face mask to get rid of pimples and dull skin. Collagen compounds contained in sea cucumbers are great for women’s facial skin especially if you have sensitive skin. 

What are the benefits of collagen in sea cucumbers As an element of skin building, regenerating skin cells, skin tightening, flexing the skin, nourishing the skin, and preventing skin damage. Even the ingredients in the sea cucumbers are also able to rejuvenate your skin. Well, from now on, try to use natural ingredients as face masks. Besides being safer from side effects, you also don’t need to spend money that is too expensive to have beautiful skin and free from zits.

In addition to sea cucumber beauty is also good for health, you know friends. These sea animals contain substances called cytotoxins, substances that are proven to fight cancer cells. For example, one laboratory study found a cytotoxic substance in sea cucumbers in the Vietnamese sea. This substance has a resistance effect on five types of cancer cells, including breast, prostate, and skin cancer cells. 

Meanwhile, other studies also found that Ds-echinoside, a type of triterpenoid derived from marine animals, can reduce the spread and growth of human liver cancer cells. However, further research is still needed to determine the efficacy and safety of using sea cucumber for cancer treatment. Quoted from Prevention, research in the UK found that sea cucumber animals have benefits for the skin. Extracted sea cucumbers can overcome thin skin, fine lines, and dry skin on adults.

This happens because the sea cucumber has a substance called peptide. Peptides contain collagen which functions to soften skin tissue and keep skin from being damaged. Researcher Maurice Elphick, PhD, a professor of physiology and neuroscience at Queen Mary University of London, said that although it is believed that it can overcome skin problems, further research is needed on the efficacy of sea cucumber in humans. But there is no harm, right, eating sea cucumbers for health? How are you still reluctant to consume sea cucumbers? In Indonesia, there are not many who consume sea cucumbers because of the shape that is not pleasant to see, even though sea cucumbers are very rich in benefits. 

Sea cucumbers with good processing will make sea cucumbers far more efficacious. Sea cucumbers that must be cleaned in the traditional way without proper supervision will only reduce the quality of sea cucumbers. For this reason, sea cucumber fishermen can use modern technology in processing or cleaning sea cucumbers in a more practical and hygienic manner. LedgerNow helps sea cucumber fishermen in using advanced technology to facilitate fishermen in processing sea cucumbers using modern technology. LedgerNow also helps fishermen and consumers in determining the price of sea cucumbers according to the quality of sea cucumbers, this price adjustment can make it easier for fishermen to choose the type of sea cucumber they want at the right price. FLAX as one of the blockchain-based platforms that can provide convenience facilities. Click the following link to learn more about 

Temindo (Teknologi Mandiri Indonesia, PT)

TEMINDO is a company that provides business automation solutions for the integration and collaboration of companies with blockchain technology.


PureHeart is an initiative based on social activities committed to sustainable development goals with end-to-end blockchain technology so that the standard of living of Indonesians is increasing.

SSC (Sustainable Supply Chain)

SSC (Sustainable Supply Chain) is a blockchain solution for fast and safe collaboration for companies in the supply chain that aims to reduce operational costs, improve customer service and accelerate the delivery of goods and services to consumers.


YONK is a financial management application for SME owners (Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises) so that they get real time financial reports with prediction analysis features to help improve the credibility of MSMEs to finance companies (Financing Companies) using blockchain technology.


AELL is a solution to help manage digital medical record data integrated and integrated between hospitals and clinics so as to speed up the process of patient care, facilitate referral and protect patient data with blockchain technology.

Global Usaha Semesta

Global Usaha Semesta is a solution in the fishing industry related to trade, transportation, agriculture and fishing production services. Serving as the core that supports the operational needs of fishermen partners / plasma in the form of support for fisheries equipment platforms, industry and financing with blockchain technology. Website

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Teripang Untuk Kecantikan

Artikel ini adalah bagian dari program #PelangiDiLautan : Kesejahteraan untuk senyum di laut

Program ini merupakan kolaborasi antara beberapa perusahaan berbasis blockchain untuk memperkenalkan dan mengeksplorasi teripang secara lebih luas, meningkatkan standar hidup dan kesejahteraan nelayan, serta berkomitmen untuk mewujudkan ekosistem ekonomi yang lebih baik.

Tulisan-tulisan dalam artikel #PelangiDiLautan terinspirasi oleh pengalaman yang dilakukan di daerah Saumlaki, Maluku Tenggara Barat. Namun, beberapa karakter, karakter, acara, lokasi, dan dialog adalah fiksi dan disusun secara dramatis agar lebih menarik. Jika ada kesamaan dalam nama karakter, tempat kejadian atau cerita, itu hanya kebetulan dan tidak ada unsur niat

Teripang merupakan salah satu hewan laut yang kaya akan manfaat, bukan hanya untuk kesehatan melainkan juga bagi kecantikan wanita. Ya, teripang dapat digunakan sebagai masker wajah yang baik untuk menghilangkan jerawat dan juga kulit kusam. Senyawa kolagen yang terkandung dalam teripang sangat bagus untuk kulit wajah wanita apalagi jika kamu memiliki kulit yang sensitif. 

Apa aja sih manfaat dari kolagen dalam teripang? sebagai unsur pembangun kulit, Meregenerasi sel-sel kulit, Mengencangkan, Melenturkan, Menutrisi, serta mencegah kerusakan kulit. Bahkan kandungan dalam teripang juga mampu meremajakan kulit kamu. Nah, mulai sekarang cobalah untuk menggunakan bahan alami sebagai masker wajah, selain lebih aman dari efek samping bahan kimia kamu juga tidak perlu mengeluarkan dana yang terlalu mahal untuk memiliki kulit cantik dan terbebas dari jerawat.

Selain untuk kecantikan teripang juga bagus untuk kesehatan lho teman-teman. Hewan laut ini mengandung zat yang disebut sitotoksik, zat yang terbukti dapat melawan sel kanker. Sebagai contoh, satu penelitian laboratorium menemukan zat sitotoksik pada teripang di laut Vietnam. Zat ini memiliki efek perlawanan  pada lima jenis sel kanker, termasuk kanker payudara, prostat, dan sel kanker kulit.

Sementara itu, studi lain juga menemukan bahwa Ds-echinacoside, sejenis triterpen yang berasal dari hewan laut ini dapat mengurangi penyebaran dan pertumbuhan sel kanker hati manusia. Meski demikian, penelitian lebih lanjut masih diperlukan untuk menentukan kemanjuran dan keamanan menggunakan timun laut ini untuk pengobatan kanker. Dikutip dari Prevention, penelitian di Inggris menemukan bahwa hewan timun laut memiliki manfaat untuk kulit. Teripang yang diekstrak dapat mengatasi kulit tipis, garis-garis halus, dan kering pada kulit orang dewasa. 

Ini terjadi karena si timun laut ini punya zat yang bernama peptida. Peptida mengandung kolagen yang berfungsi untuk melembutkan jaringan kulit dan menjaga kulit terhindar dari kerusakan. Peneliti Maurice Elphick, PhD, seorang profesor fisiologi dan neurosains di Queen Mary University of London mengatakan bahwa meski dipercaya bisa mengatasi masalah kulit, masih dibutuhkan penelitian lebih lanjut mengenai khasiat timun laut pada manusia. Namun tidak ada salahnya, kan, mengkonsumsi teripang untuk kesehatan? Gimana kalian masih enggan mengkonsumsi teripang? Di Indonesia memang tidak banyak yang mengkonsumsi teripang karena bentuknya yang tidak enak dilihat, padahal teripang sangat kaya manfaatnya. Apa salahnya kita mencoba jangan melihat dari bentuknya saja. Yuk mari mulai mengkonsumsi Teripang. 

Teripang dengan pengolahan yang baik akan menjadikan khasiat teripang jauh lebih berkhasiat. Teripang yang harus dibersihkan dengan cara tradisional tanpa pengawasan yang baik hanya akan mengurangi kualitas teripang. Untuk itu nelayan teripang dapat menggunakan teknologi modern dalam mengolah atau membersihkan teripang secara lebih praktis dan higienis.  LedgerNow membantu nelayan teripang dalam penggunaan teknologi canggih untuk memudahkan nelayan dalam mengolah teripang menggunakan teknologi modern. LedgerNow juga membantu nelayan dan konsumen dalam menentukan harga teripang sesuai dengan kualitas teripang, penyesuaian harga ini dapat memudahkan nelayan memilih jenis teripang yang mereka inginkan dengan harga yang sesuai. FLAX sebagai salah platform berbasis blockchain yang dapat memberikan fasilitas kemudahan tersebut. Klik link berikut untuk mempelajari lebih lanjut

#PelangiDiLautan : Kesejahteraan Untuk Senyum Di Laut

Program ini merupakan kerjasama dari beberapa perusahaan berbasis blockchain di Indonesia untuk memperkenalkan dan mengeksplorasi teripang secara lebih luas, meningkatkan standar hidup dan kesejahteraan nelayan, serta berkomitmen untuk mewujudkan ekosistem ekonomi yang lebih baik.

Beberapa perusahaan yang terlibat adalah:

Temindo (Teknologi Mandiri Indonesia, PT)

TEMINDO adalah perusahaan yang memberikan solusi otomasi bisnis untuk integrasi dan kolaborasi perusahaan-perusahaan dengan teknologi blockchain.


PureHeart adalah inisiatif yang berbasis kegiatan sosial yang berkomitmen kepada tujuan pembangunan yang berkelanjutan (sustainable development goals) dengan teknologi blockchain secara menyeluruh (end-to-end) sehingga taraf hidup masyarakat Indoensia semakin meningkat.

SSC (Sustainable Supply Chain)

SSC (Sustainable Supply Chain) adalah solusi blockchain untuk kolaborasi cepat dan aman bagi perusahaan-perusahaan dalam rantai pasok (supply chain) yang bertujuan untuk mengurangi biaya operasional, meningkatkan pelayanan konsumen dan mempercepat pengiriman barang dan jasa ke konsumen.


YONK adalah sebuah aplikasi pengelolaan keuangan untuk pemilik UMKM (Usaha Mikro, Kecil dan Menengah) sehingga mereka mendapakan laporan keuangan yang real time dengan fitur predicition analysis untuk membantu meningkatkan kredibilitas UMKM kepada perusahaan pembiayaan (Financing Companies) menggunakan teknologi blockchain.


AELL adalah solusi untuk membantu pengelolaan data rekam medis secara digital dan terintegrasi antar rumah sakit dan klinik sehingga mempercepat proses pelayanan pasien, mempermudah rujukan dan melindungi data pasien dengan teknologi blockchain.

Global Usaha Semesta

Global Usaha Semesta adalah solusi dalam industri perikanan yang terkait dengan perdagangan, transportasi, pertanian dan jasa produksi perikanan. Berfungsi sebagai inti yang mendukung kebutuhan operasional mitra nelayan / plasma dalam bentuk dukungan untuk platform peralatan perikanan, industri dan pembiayaan dengan teknologi blockchain. Situs web

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Sea ​​Cucumbers, Chinese New Year Dish

This article is part of the #PelangiDiLautan : Welfare program for smiles at sea

This program is a collaboration between several blockchain-based companies to introduce and explore sea cucumbers more broadly, improve the standard of living and welfare of fishermen, and commit to realize a better economic ecosystem.

The writings in the #PelangiDiLautan program are inspired by the experience carried out in the Saumlaki area, West Southeast Maluku. However, some characters, characters, events, locations and dialogues are fiction and are arranged dramatically to make it more interesting. If there are similarities in the names of characters, places of events or stories, it is merely a coincidence and there is no element of intent

Sea cucumbers become one of the dishes in welcoming Chinese specialties since hundreds of years ago. the specialty arises because the raw materials are difficult to obtain and the presentation process takes a long time. Sea cucumbers from China are indeed quite expensive. Sea cucumbers become very salable when the moment welcomes the Chinese New Year. Ivan admitted that sea cucumber reservations increased when he welcomed the Chinese New Year, as long as the Chinese New Year turnover can be obtained around Rp. 20 million. Because the price is quite expensive, many are buying it jointly to save. The price per kilogram of sea cucumbers are usually priced at hundreds of thousands to millions of rupiah.

Eating sea cucumbers has many benefits, to fight cholesterol, strokes and other deadly diseases, it is also good for beauty, especially for skin elasticity and freshness. How to get it fishermen have to dive down, and take it at the bottom. Not a mandatory menu, but because it is served once a year with prices up to millions of rupiah, this menu is one that is sought at the Chinese New Year menu for family meals. Usually sea cucumbers are processed into soup.

very high nutrient content. Not surprisingly, sea cucumbers are known to Europe, Japan and the United States. Demand for the export market is estimated to range from 20,000 to 30,000 tons per year. Indonesia is the biggest producer of sea cucumbers in the world. The physical form of sea cucumbers is less attractive and may be ridiculous to some people, resulting in a lack of interest in coastal residents to process and consume sea cucumbers. In fact, sea cucumbers can provide good benefits for the body.

Ivan’s family loves to consume sea cucumbers, but because of the quality of sea cucumbers that do have a high price, Ivan only makes sea cucumbers for food at certain moments of his family. One of them is during the Chinese New Year. Gathering with his extended family made a happy day for Ivan and his family. They always serve sea cucumbers to serve as a dish for Chinese New Year celebrations with their families. Ivan’s mother cultivates sea cucumbers with various other ingredients, to add to the taste of sea cucumbers. His extended family was very happy to visit Ivan’s house which always provided these sea cucumbers. Sea cucumbers themselves are already known as medicines that are often consumed for health by Ian’s previous family.

As time goes by, sea cucumbers are rarely consumed by the wider community, so the quality of sea cucumbers is decreasing and even fishermen rarely seek sea cucumbers due to lack of buyer interest. Even if only these sea cucumbers are able to have high quality, many foreign countries are interested in buying these sea cucumbers. With high quality and selling price, it will be able to improve the welfare of sea cucumber fishermen in the future. Ledgernow with the aim of helping the welfare of fishermen helps in the process of procuring modern technology to make it easier for fishermen to process more hygienic to produce high-quality sea cucumbers.

In making it easier for sea cucumbers to sell their catch to suppliers, LedgerNow makes it easy to use the SSC blockchain platform, where suppliers can buy sea cucumbers in locations that have a high number of sea cucumbers. The ease of sea cucumber sales transactions to suppliers will improve the welfare of sea cucumber fishermen in Indonesia. Click the following link for further information 

Temindo (Teknologi Mandiri Indonesia, PT)

TEMINDO is a company that provides business automation solutions for the integration and collaboration of companies with blockchain technology.


PureHeart is an initiative based on social activities committed to sustainable development goals with end-to-end blockchain technology so that the standard of living of Indonesians is increasing.

SSC (Sustainable Supply Chain)

SSC (Sustainable Supply Chain) is a blockchain solution for fast and safe collaboration for companies in the supply chain that aims to reduce operational costs, improve customer service and accelerate the delivery of goods and services to consumers.


YONK is a financial management application for SME owners (Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises) so that they get real time financial reports with prediction analysis features to help improve the credibility of MSMEs to finance companies (Financing Companies) using blockchain technology.


AELL is a solution to help manage digital medical record data integrated and integrated between hospitals and clinics so as to speed up the process of patient care, facilitate referral and protect patient data with blockchain technology.

Global Usaha Semesta

Global Usaha Semesta is a solution in the fishing industry related to trade, transportation, agriculture and fishing production services. Serving as the core that supports the operational needs of fishermen partners / plasma in the form of support for fisheries equipment platforms, industry and financing with blockchain technology. Website

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Teripang, Hidangan Imlek

Artikel ini adalah bagian dari program #PelangiDiLautan : Kesejahteraan untuk senyum di laut

Program ini merupakan kolaborasi antara beberapa perusahaan berbasis blockchain untuk memperkenalkan dan mengeksplorasi teripang secara lebih luas, meningkatkan standar hidup dan kesejahteraan nelayan, serta berkomitmen untuk mewujudkan ekosistem ekonomi yang lebih baik.

Tulisan-tulisan dalam artikel #PelangiDiLautan terinspirasi oleh pengalaman yang dilakukan di daerah Saumlaki, Maluku Tenggara Barat. Namun, beberapa karakter, karakter, acara, lokasi, dan dialog adalah fiksi dan disusun secara dramatis agar lebih menarik. Jika ada kesamaan dalam nama karakter, tempat kejadian atau cerita, itu hanya kebetulan dan tidak ada unsur niat

Teripang laut menjadi salah satu hidangan dalam menyambut Imlek khas Tiongkok sejak ratusan tahun lalu. keistimewaannya muncul karena bahan bakunya sulit diperoleh dan proses penyajiannya membutuhkan waktu lama. Teripang sajian asal tiongkok ini  memang cukup terbilang mahal. Teripang menjadi sangat laku ketika moment menyambut imlek. Ivan mengaku pemesanan teripang meningkat ketika menyambut imlek, selama Imlek omzet yang bisa didapatkan sekitar Rp 20 juta. Karena harganya yang cukup mahal, banyak yang membelinya secara patungan untuk menghemat. Harga per kilogram teripang biasa dibanderol ratusan ribu hingga jutaan rupiah.

Untuk mendapatkan teripang-teripang ini, nelayan harus menyelam ke dasar laut, karena teripang hidup di dasar lautan. Dengan mengkonsumsi teripang memiliki banyak manfaat untuk kesehatan, seperti untuk melawan kolesterol, stroke, dan penyakit mematikan lain, dan juga baik untuk kecantikan. Teripang bukan menjadi menu wajib saat imlek, namun karena jarang yang mengkonsumsinya sehari-hari, sehingga akan menjadi lebih mahal.
Kandungan nutrisi teripang yang sangat tinggi tak heran teripang juga banyak dikonsumsi di Jepang, Eropa, dan Amerika. Permintaan untuk pasar ekspor diperkirakan berkisar antara 20.000 sampai 30.000 ton per tahun. Indonesia merupakan penghasil teripang terbesar di dunia. Bentuk fisik teripang yang kurang menarik dan mungkin menggelikan untuk sebagian orang, mengakibatkan minimnya jumlah minat warga pesisir untuk mengolah dan mengkonsumsi teripang. Padahal, teripang dapat memberi manfaat baik untuk tubuh. 

Ivan dan keluarga sangat senang untuk mengkonsumsi teripang, namun karena kualitas teripang yang memang memiliki harga yang tinggi, Ivan hanya menjadikan teripang untuk makanan di momen-momen tertentu keluarganya. Salah satunya adalah saat momen imlek. Berkumpul bersama keluarga besarnya menjadikan hari penuh bahagia bagi Ivan dan keluarganya. Mereka selalu menyajikan teripang untuk menjadi sajian makanan perayaan imlek bersama keluarganya. Ibu Ivan mengolah teripang dengan berbagai bahan masakan lainnya, untuk menambah cita rasa teripang. Keluarga besarnya sangat senang mengunjungi rumah Ivan yang selalu menyediakan teripang ini. Teripang sendiri memang sudah dikenal sebagai obat-obatan yang sering dikonsumsi untuk kesehatan oleh keluarga Ian terdahulu. 

Seiring berjalannya waktu teripang memang jarang dikonsumsi oleh masyarakat luas, sehingga kualitas teripang yang menurun dan bahkan jarang sekali nelayan mencari teripang karena kurangnya minat pembeli. Padahal jika saja teripang ini mampu memiliki kualitas yang tinggi, banyak negara asing yang berminat untuk membeli teripang-teripang ini. Dengan kualitas dan harga jual yang tinggi akan mampu meningkatkan kesejahteraan nelayan teripang kedepannya. Ledgernow dengan tujuan membantu kesejahteraan nelayan membantu dalam proses pengadaan teknologi modern untuk memberikan kemudahan nelayan dalam mengolah teripang lebih higienis sehingga menghasilkan teripang-teripang berkualitas tinggi.   

Dalam memudahkan nelayan teripang untuk menjual hasil tangkapannya kepada supplier, LedgerNow memberikan kemudahan dengan menggunakan platform blockchain SSC, yang dimana para supplier dapat membeli teripang di lokasi-lokasi yang memiliki jumlah teripang yang tinggi. Semakin mudahnya transaksi penjualan teripang kepada supplier akan meningkatkan kesejahteraan nelayan teripang di Indonesia. Klik link berikut untuk informasi selanjutnya 

#PelangiDiLautan : Kesejahteraan Untuk Senyum Di Laut

Program ini merupakan kerjasama dari beberapa perusahaan berbasis blockchain di Indonesia untuk memperkenalkan dan mengeksplorasi teripang secara lebih luas, meningkatkan standar hidup dan kesejahteraan nelayan, serta berkomitmen untuk mewujudkan ekosistem ekonomi yang lebih baik.

Beberapa perusahaan yang terlibat adalah:

Temindo (Teknologi Mandiri Indonesia, PT)

TEMINDO adalah perusahaan yang memberikan solusi otomasi bisnis untuk integrasi dan kolaborasi perusahaan-perusahaan dengan teknologi blockchain.


PureHeart adalah inisiatif yang berbasis kegiatan sosial yang berkomitmen kepada tujuan pembangunan yang berkelanjutan (sustainable development goals) dengan teknologi blockchain secara menyeluruh (end-to-end) sehingga taraf hidup masyarakat Indoensia semakin meningkat.

SSC (Sustainable Supply Chain)

SSC (Sustainable Supply Chain) adalah solusi blockchain untuk kolaborasi cepat dan aman bagi perusahaan-perusahaan dalam rantai pasok (supply chain) yang bertujuan untuk mengurangi biaya operasional, meningkatkan pelayanan konsumen dan mempercepat pengiriman barang dan jasa ke konsumen.


YONK adalah sebuah aplikasi pengelolaan keuangan untuk pemilik UMKM (Usaha Mikro, Kecil dan Menengah) sehingga mereka mendapakan laporan keuangan yang real time dengan fitur predicition analysis untuk membantu meningkatkan kredibilitas UMKM kepada perusahaan pembiayaan (Financing Companies) menggunakan teknologi blockchain.


AELL adalah solusi untuk membantu pengelolaan data rekam medis secara digital dan terintegrasi antar rumah sakit dan klinik sehingga mempercepat proses pelayanan pasien, mempermudah rujukan dan melindungi data pasien dengan teknologi blockchain.

Global Usaha Semesta

Global Usaha Semesta adalah solusi dalam industri perikanan yang terkait dengan perdagangan, transportasi, pertanian dan jasa produksi perikanan. Berfungsi sebagai inti yang mendukung kebutuhan operasional mitra nelayan / plasma dalam bentuk dukungan untuk platform peralatan perikanan, industri dan pembiayaan dengan teknologi blockchain. Situs web

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Sea Cucumbers, Marine Animal Full of Benefits

This article is part of the #PelangiDiLautan : Welfare program for smiles at sea

This program is a collaboration between several blockchain-based companies to introduce and explore sea cucumbers more broadly, improve the standard of living and welfare of fishermen, and commit to realize a better economic ecosystem.

The writings in the #PelangiDiLautan program are inspired by the experience carried out in the Saumlaki area, West Southeast Maluku. However, some characters, characters, events, locations and dialogues are fiction and are arranged dramatically to make it more interesting. If there are similarities in the names of characters, places of events or stories, it is merely a coincidence and there is no element of intent

There are still some people who are not familiar with one of these marine animals, Sea Cucumbers. Sea cucumbers are one of marine invertebrate animals that live in the bottom of the sea, usually it is often found in the Pacific Ocean region. It’s called sea cucumbers because of their large round shape like cucumbers. 

Sea cucumbers are one of the marine animals that have many benefits compared to other types of marine fish. Just its shape is not as beautiful as other marine animals, sea cucumbers contain many benefits that are very good for the body. Sea cucumber itself is often used as Chinese medicine because of its abundant properties. 

However, due to the small number of sea cucumber farmers, sea cucumbers are also rather rare to obtain, only a few locations have sea cucumbers farmers, this makes the price of sea cucumbers more expensive. But who would have thought the price of this expensive Sea Cucumber remains a favorite food for some people. Even some people are willing to spend large amounts of money to successfully get these sea cucumbers. This is because those who already understand and feel the benefits of nutrition in consuming sea cucumbers for health. Sea cucumbers with all the nutritional content such as vitamins A, B2, B3, Omega 3 and 6, Collagen, and several other nutritional content that can nourish the body and fight cancer (Click: Sea Cucumber Against Cancer). 

With abundant nutritional content, of course, some people are willing to reach into their pockets to get these marine animals. Sea cucumbers are also a delicious seafood to eat everyday, with its chewy texture, Sea Cucumber will be suitable to be used as sashimi or other vegetable dishes. Consuming sea cucumbers everyday will provide benefits for abundant health. Eating sea cucumbers it’s healthier than consuming junk-food that are bad for health.

For men, consuming sea cucumbers can also help correct urinary tract abnormalities in men. As for women, sea cucumbers which is rich in collagen content, it is best consumed as a neutralizing beauty, and to maintain the quality of the skin so that it remains young. With a variety of sources of the efficacy of this Sea Cucumber will certainly be worth the prices, Sea Cucumbers are like a delicious natural medicine that will be very good for human health to be consumed. 

In improving the quality of sea cucumbers in order to preserve the nutrition and efficacy of sea cucumbers, sea cucumbers must be processed properly. Many of the fishermen still using traditional methods in processing sea cucumbers, where the traditional ways have the potential of sea cucumbers not process hygienically. Ledgernow in helping to improve the quality level of sea cucumbers helps fishermen using modern technology to clean sea cucumbers hygienically and easily. With the use of modern technology that will facilitate the sale of sea cucumbers to consumers. Ledgernow blockchain-based technology can help fishermen to facilitate sea cucumber delivery to suppliers by using blockchain technology. Blockchain that provides secures the data more safely. Together with Ledgernow, consumers can more easily connect with sea cucumber fishermen who have guaranteed quality, and shipments that can be tracked in real-time.

LedgerNow helps sea cucumbers fishermen, to work more optimally for the achievement of welfare for sea cucumbers fishermen in Indonesia. LedgerNow uses a blockchain system to help suppliers and fishermen are connected with a system that is more real time and a high level of security. Click the following link for more information 

Temindo (Teknologi Mandiri Indonesia, PT)

TEMINDO is a company that provides business automation solutions for the integration and collaboration of companies with blockchain technology.


PureHeart is an initiative based on social activities committed to sustainable development goals with end-to-end blockchain technology so that the standard of living of Indonesians is increasing.

SSC (Sustainable Supply Chain)

SSC (Sustainable Supply Chain) is a blockchain solution for fast and safe collaboration for companies in the supply chain that aims to reduce operational costs, improve customer service and accelerate the delivery of goods and services to consumers.


YONK is a financial management application for SME owners (Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises) so that they get real time financial reports with prediction analysis features to help improve the credibility of MSMEs to finance companies (Financing Companies) using blockchain technology.


AELL is a solution to help manage digital medical record data integrated and integrated between hospitals and clinics so as to speed up the process of patient care, facilitate referral and protect patient data with blockchain technology.

Global Usaha Semesta

Global Usaha Semesta is a solution in the fishing industry related to trade, transportation, agriculture and fishing production services. Serving as the core that supports the operational needs of fishermen partners / plasma in the form of support for fisheries equipment platforms, industry and financing with blockchain technology. Website

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Teripang, Hewan Laut Penuh Khasiat

Artikel ini adalah bagian dari program #PelangiDiLautan : Kesejahteraan untuk senyum di laut

Program ini merupakan kolaborasi antara beberapa perusahaan berbasis blockchain untuk memperkenalkan dan mengeksplorasi teripang secara lebih luas, meningkatkan standar hidup dan kesejahteraan nelayan, serta berkomitmen untuk mewujudkan ekosistem ekonomi yang lebih baik.

Tulisan-tulisan dalam artikel #PelangiDiLautan terinspirasi oleh pengalaman yang dilakukan di daerah Saumlaki, Maluku Tenggara Barat. Namun, beberapa karakter, karakter, acara, lokasi, dan dialog adalah fiksi dan disusun secara dramatis agar lebih menarik. Jika ada kesamaan dalam nama karakter, tempat kejadian atau cerita, itu hanya kebetulan dan tidak ada unsur niat

Mungkin masih belum banyak yang mengenali salah satu jenis hewan laut ini, Teripang. Teripang adalah salah satu jenis hewan laut invertebrata yang hidup didasar laut, biasanya ia sering ditemui di kawasan samudra pasifik. Teripang juga sering disebut sebagai mentimun laut, karena bentuknya yang bulat besar seperti timun. 

Teripang adalah salah satu hewan laut yang memiliki banyak khasiat dibanding jenis ikan lainnya. Hanya saja bentuknya yang tidak seindah hewan laut lainnya namun Teripang mengandung banyak khasiat yang sangat baik untuk tubuh. Teripang sendiri sering dijadikan sebagai obat-obatan China karena khasiatnya yang melimpah. 

Namun karena masih sedikitnya jumlah petani Teripang ini, maka Teripang juga agak langka untuk didapatkan, hanya beberapa lokasi saja yang memiliki petani Teripang, hal ini menjadikan harga Teripang menjadi lebih mahal. Namun siapa sangka harga Teripang yang mahal ini tetap menjadi idola bagi beberapa kaum. Bahkan beberapa orang rela mengeluarkan duit dengan jumlah yang banyak untuk berhasil mendapatkan Teripang ini. Hal ini karena mereka yang sudah paham dan merasakan manfaat gizi-gizi dalam mengkonsumsi Teripang untuk kesehatan. Teripang dengan segala kandungan gizinya seperti vitamin A, B2, B3, Omega 3 dan 6, Kolagen, dan beberapa kandungan gizi lainnya yang dapat menyehatkan tubuh dan melawan kanker (Klik: Teripang Dapat Mencegah Kanker). 

Dengan kandungan gizi yang melimpah tentu banyak orang yang rela merogoh saku untuk mendapatkan hewan laut ini. Teripang juga merupakan hewan laut yang lezat untuk disantap sehari-harinya. Dengan tekstur kenyalnya Teripang akan cocok dijadikan sashimi atau masakan dengan sayur-sayuran lainnya. Mengkonsumsi Teripang sehari-harinya akan memberikan manfaat bagi kesehatan yang melimpah. Mengkonsumsi Teripang seribu kali lebih menyehatkan dengan mengkonsumsi makanan junk food dan berakhir mengkonsumsi obat-obatan kimia. 

Bagi para laki-laki, mengkonsumsi Teripang juga dapat membantu memperbaiki kelainan saluran kemih pada pria. Sedangkan untuk wanita Teripang yang kaya akan kandungan kolagennya akan sangat baik dikonsumsi sebagai penetralisir kecantikan, dan untuk menjaga kualitas kulit agar awet muda. Dengan berbagai sumber khasiat Teripang ini tentunya akan sangat setimpal dengan harga-harganya, Teripang yang menjadi obat-obatan alami nan lezat yang akan sangat baik bagi kesehatan manusia untuk dikonsumsi. 

Dalam meningkatkan kualitas teripang agar terjaganya gizi dan khasiat teripang, teripang harus diolah dengan baik dan benar. Banyak dari nelayan teripang yang masih menggunakan cara-cara tradisional dalam mengolah teripang, dimana dengan cara-cara tradisional itu berpotensi teripang masih belum tentu terjaga kebersihannya. Ledgernow dalam membantu meningkatkan taraf kualitas teripang membantu nelayan dalam pengolahan teripang menggunakan teknologi modern untuk membersihkan teripang secara higienis dan mudah. Dengan penggunaan teknologi yang memudahkan nelayan, akan memudahkan penjualan teripang kepada konsumen. Ledgernow teknologi berbasis blockchain dapat membantu nelayan untuk memudahkan pengiriman teripang kepada supplier dengan menggunakan teknologi blockchain. Blockchain yang memberikan kemudahan pengumpulan data secara lebih aman. Bersama Ledgernow konsumen lebih mudah terkoneksi dengan nelayan teripang yang memiliki kualitas yang terjamin, dan pengiriman yang dapat dilacak secara realtime. 

LedgerNow membantu nelayan Teripang untuk bekerja lebih maksimal demi tercapainya kesejahteraan hidup bagi nelayan Teripang di Indonesia. LedgerNow menggunakan sistem blockchain membantu supplier dan nelayan teripang terkoneksi dengan sistem yang lebih realtime dan tingkat keamanan yang tinggi. Klik link berikut untuk informasi selengkapnya

#PelangiDiLautan : Kesejahteraan Untuk Senyum Di Laut

Program ini merupakan kerjasama dari beberapa perusahaan berbasis blockchain di Indonesia untuk memperkenalkan dan mengeksplorasi teripang secara lebih luas, meningkatkan standar hidup dan kesejahteraan nelayan, serta berkomitmen untuk mewujudkan ekosistem ekonomi yang lebih baik.

Beberapa perusahaan yang terlibat adalah:

Temindo (Teknologi Mandiri Indonesia, PT)

TEMINDO adalah perusahaan yang memberikan solusi otomasi bisnis untuk integrasi dan kolaborasi perusahaan-perusahaan dengan teknologi blockchain.


PureHeart adalah inisiatif yang berbasis kegiatan sosial yang berkomitmen kepada tujuan pembangunan yang berkelanjutan (sustainable development goals) dengan teknologi blockchain secara menyeluruh (end-to-end) sehingga taraf hidup masyarakat Indoensia semakin meningkat.

SSC (Sustainable Supply Chain)

SSC (Sustainable Supply Chain) adalah solusi blockchain untuk kolaborasi cepat dan aman bagi perusahaan-perusahaan dalam rantai pasok (supply chain) yang bertujuan untuk mengurangi biaya operasional, meningkatkan pelayanan konsumen dan mempercepat pengiriman barang dan jasa ke konsumen.


YONK adalah sebuah aplikasi pengelolaan keuangan untuk pemilik UMKM (Usaha Mikro, Kecil dan Menengah) sehingga mereka mendapakan laporan keuangan yang real time dengan fitur predicition analysis untuk membantu meningkatkan kredibilitas UMKM kepada perusahaan pembiayaan (Financing Companies) menggunakan teknologi blockchain.


AELL adalah solusi untuk membantu pengelolaan data rekam medis secara digital dan terintegrasi antar rumah sakit dan klinik sehingga mempercepat proses pelayanan pasien, mempermudah rujukan dan melindungi data pasien dengan teknologi blockchain.

Global Usaha Semesta

Global Usaha Semesta adalah solusi dalam industri perikanan yang terkait dengan perdagangan, transportasi, pertanian dan jasa produksi perikanan. Berfungsi sebagai inti yang mendukung kebutuhan operasional mitra nelayan / plasma dalam bentuk dukungan untuk platform peralatan perikanan, industri dan pembiayaan dengan teknologi blockchain. Situs web

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Sea Cucumber Against Cancer

This article is part of the #PelangiDiLautan : Welfare program for smiles at sea

This program is a collaboration between several blockchain-based companies to introduce and explore sea cucumbers more broadly, improve the standard of living and welfare of fishermen, and commit to realize a better economic ecosystem.

The writings in the #PelangiDiLautan program are inspired by the experience carried out in the Saumlaki area, West Southeast Maluku. However, some characters, characters, events, locations and dialogues are fiction and are arranged dramatically to make it more interesting. If there are similarities in the names of characters, places of events or stories, it is merely a coincidence and there is no element of intent

Sea cucumbers are one of the species of marine animals that are rarely known by the public. This marine animal is rarely consumed because of the lack of public interest in this one animal. But who would have thought Sea Cucumbers have turned out to be diverse for health. Sea cucumbers have always been consumed as a healing medicine and for beauty. Because indeed this Sea Cucumber contains a variety of healthy nutrients and vitamins. 

Sea cucumbers are rich in protein, amino acids, collagen, omega 3 and 6. Besides sea cucumbers contain Cytotoxins, this is one of the chemical cells that killer T cells use to destroy infected cells, which can help destroy cells cancer. 

By consuming sea cucumbers regularly, you have started to prevent cancer cells for the body. At present it is very difficult to maintain a healthy eating pattern because of the large amount of junk food spread that is the choice of today’s society. With unhealthy eating patterns and unattended lifestyles, we now encounter teenagers who are already vulnerable to dangerous diseases. This is because modern food consumption is not healthy. Even for consuming fish, many people use canned fish which certainly does not have fresh nutrition that is good for health. 

Sea cucumbers that are rich in properties will be very good for the health of the body. Cancer cells that grow without us knowing will be very dangerous if there is no prevention early. Consuming drugs in handling health continuously will backfire for other body organs. 

Sea cucumbers are one of the smart choices in dealing with cancer in a healthy and enjoyable way. Sea cucumbers that can be processed with various other types of food will certainly provide a delicious sensation when eating it with hot rice. 

Sea cucumbers can be consumed raw or dried. People used to consume sea cucumbers in a raw, mixed with seafood spices to give a taste, consuming sea cucumbers in a raw way would certainly provide nutritional benefits that are 2x more influential because of their fresh nutrition. 

Sea cucumbers are now a little hard to find in markets because of the small number of sea cucumber enthusiasts. Yet with the increasing number of requests for sea cucumbers will be able to spread the efficacy of the entire community at large. Due to the low demand of sea cucumbers by the wider community, the price of sea cucumbers becomes 2 times more expensive, but for some people the price of sea cucumbers is worth the benefits that are 10 times more beneficial for future health. 

The difficulty of the distribution of sea cucumbers from fishermen to consumers makes it difficult for fishermen to sell their sea cucumber catch to the wider community. LedgerNow helps the fishermen to connect with suppliers who need sea cucumbers with shipments that can be tracked in real-time and orders that are recorded with a trusted and secure blockchain technology system. SSC presents provide convenience for suppliers connected with fishermen through a trusted platform. Click the following link for more complete information on

Temindo (Teknologi Mandiri Indonesia, PT)

TEMINDO is a company that provides business automation solutions for the integration and collaboration of companies with blockchain technology.


PureHeart is an initiative based on social activities committed to sustainable development goals with end-to-end blockchain technology so that the standard of living of Indonesians is increasing.

SSC (Sustainable Supply Chain)

SSC (Sustainable Supply Chain) is a blockchain solution for fast and safe collaboration for companies in the supply chain that aims to reduce operational costs, improve customer service and accelerate the delivery of goods and services to consumers.


YONK is a financial management application for SME owners (Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises) so that they get real time financial reports with prediction analysis features to help improve the credibility of MSMEs to finance companies (Financing Companies) using blockchain technology.


AELL is a solution to help manage digital medical record data integrated and integrated between hospitals and clinics so as to speed up the process of patient care, facilitate referral and protect patient data with blockchain technology.

Global Usaha Semesta

Global Usaha Semesta is a solution in the fishing industry related to trade, transportation, agriculture and fishing production services. Serving as the core that supports the operational needs of fishermen partners / plasma in the form of support for fisheries equipment platforms, industry and financing with blockchain technology. Website

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Teripang Dapat Mencegah Kanker

Artikel ini adalah bagian dari program #PelangiDiLautan : Kesejahteraan untuk senyum di laut

Program ini merupakan kolaborasi antara beberapa perusahaan berbasis blockchain untuk memperkenalkan dan mengeksplorasi teripang secara lebih luas, meningkatkan standar hidup dan kesejahteraan nelayan, serta berkomitmen untuk mewujudkan ekosistem ekonomi yang lebih baik.

Tulisan-tulisan dalam artikel #PelangiDiLautan terinspirasi oleh pengalaman yang dilakukan di daerah Saumlaki, Maluku Tenggara Barat. Namun, beberapa karakter, karakter, acara, lokasi, dan dialog adalah fiksi dan disusun secara dramatis agar lebih menarik. Jika ada kesamaan dalam nama karakter, tempat kejadian atau cerita, itu hanya kebetulan dan tidak ada unsur niat

Teripang atau timun laut, adalah salah satu spesies hewan laut yang jarang diketahui oleh masyarakat. Hewan laut satu ini memang jarang dikonsumsi karena kurangnya minat masyarakat terhadap hewan satu ini. Tapi siapa sangka Teripang ternyata memiliki beragam untuk kesehatan. Teripang sejak dulu sudah dikonsumsi sebagai obat penyembuh dan untuk kecantikan. Karena memang Teripang ini mengandung beragam gizi dan vitamin yang menyehatkan. 

Teripang kaya akan protein, asam amino, kolagen, omega dan 6. Selain itu Teripang mengandung zat Cytotoxins, ini adalah salah satu sel kimia yang dimana sel T pembunuh gunakan untuk menghancurkan sel-sel yang terinfeksi, yang mana hal ini dapat membantu menghancurkan sel-sel kanker ditubuh. 

Dengan mengkonsumsi Teripang secara rutin, Anda sudah mulai mencegah sel-sel kanker untuk tubuh. Saat ini sangat sulit untuk menjaga pola makan sehat karena banyaknya tersebar makanan junk food yang menjadi pilihan masyarakat kini. Dengan pola makan yang tidak sehat dan gaya hidup yang tidak dijaga banyak saat ini kita jumpai remaja yang sudah rentan terhadap penyakit-penyakit berbahaya. Hal ini karena konsumsi makanan secara modern yang sudah tidak sehat pengelolaannya. Bahkan untuk mengkonsumsi ikan-ikanan pun masyarakat banyak yang menggunakan ikan kalengan yang tentunya tidak memiliki gizi segar yang baik untuk kesehatan. 

Teripang yang kaya akan khasiat-khasiatnya akan sangat baik untuk kesehatan tubuh. Sel kanker yang tumbuh tanpa kita sadari akan sangat berbahaya jika tidak adanya pencegahan sejak dini. Mengkonsumsi obat-obatan dalam menangani kesehatan secara terus menerus akan menjadi bumerang bagi organ tubuh lainnya. 

Teripang adalah salah satu pilihan cerdas dalam menangani kanker secara sehat dan nikmat. Teripang yang dapat diolah dengan berbagai jenis makanan lainnya tentu akan memberikan sensasi lezat saat menyantapnya dengan nasi panas. 

Teripang dapat dikonsumsi secara mentah atau dikeringkan. Masyarakat dulu sering mengkonsumsi Teripang secara mentah yang dicampurkan dengan bumbu seafood untuk memberikan cita rasa, mengkonsumsi Teripang secara mentah tentunya akan memberikan manfaat gizi yang 2x lipat lebih berpengaruh karena gizinya yang masih segar. 

Teripang kini sedikit sulit ditemukan dipasar-pasar karena sedikitnya jumlah peminat Teripang. Padahal dengan meningkatnya jumlah permintaan Teripang ini akan dapat menyebarkan khasiat pada seluruh masyarakat luas. Karena rendahnya permintaan Teripang oleh masyarakat luas, harga Teripang menjadi 2 kali lebih mahal, namun bagi beberapa masyarakat harga Teripang yang mahal setimpal dengan khasiatnya yang 10 kali lipat lebih bermanfaat bagi kesehatan kedepannya. 

Sulitnya distribusi teripang dari nelayan ke konsumen membuat banyak nelayan kesulitan menjual hasil tangkapan teripangnya kepada masyarakat luas. Dengan begitu LedgerNow membantu para nelayan dalam terkoneksi dengan para supplier yang membutuhkan teripang dengan pengiriman yang dapat dilacak secara real time dan pemesanan yang terdata dengan sistem teknologi blockchain yang terpercaya dan aman.SSC hadir memberikan kemudahan bagi supplier terkoneksi dengan nelayan melalui platform terpercaya. Klik link berikut untuk informasi lebih lengkapnya

#PelangiDiLautan : Kesejahteraan Untuk Senyum Di Laut

Program ini merupakan kerjasama dari beberapa perusahaan berbasis blockchain di Indonesia untuk memperkenalkan dan mengeksplorasi teripang secara lebih luas, meningkatkan standar hidup dan kesejahteraan nelayan, serta berkomitmen untuk mewujudkan ekosistem ekonomi yang lebih baik.

Beberapa perusahaan yang terlibat adalah:

Temindo (Teknologi Mandiri Indonesia, PT)

TEMINDO adalah perusahaan yang memberikan solusi otomasi bisnis untuk integrasi dan kolaborasi perusahaan-perusahaan dengan teknologi blockchain.


PureHeart adalah inisiatif yang berbasis kegiatan sosial yang berkomitmen kepada tujuan pembangunan yang berkelanjutan (sustainable development goals) dengan teknologi blockchain secara menyeluruh (end-to-end) sehingga taraf hidup masyarakat Indoensia semakin meningkat.

SSC (Sustainable Supply Chain)

SSC (Sustainable Supply Chain) adalah solusi blockchain untuk kolaborasi cepat dan aman bagi perusahaan-perusahaan dalam rantai pasok (supply chain) yang bertujuan untuk mengurangi biaya operasional, meningkatkan pelayanan konsumen dan mempercepat pengiriman barang dan jasa ke konsumen.


YONK adalah sebuah aplikasi pengelolaan keuangan untuk pemilik UMKM (Usaha Mikro, Kecil dan Menengah) sehingga mereka mendapakan laporan keuangan yang real time dengan fitur predicition analysis untuk membantu meningkatkan kredibilitas UMKM kepada perusahaan pembiayaan (Financing Companies) menggunakan teknologi blockchain.


AELL adalah solusi untuk membantu pengelolaan data rekam medis secara digital dan terintegrasi antar rumah sakit dan klinik sehingga mempercepat proses pelayanan pasien, mempermudah rujukan dan melindungi data pasien dengan teknologi blockchain.

Global Usaha Semesta

Global Usaha Semesta adalah solusi dalam industri perikanan yang terkait dengan perdagangan, transportasi, pertanian dan jasa produksi perikanan. Berfungsi sebagai inti yang mendukung kebutuhan operasional mitra nelayan / plasma dalam bentuk dukungan untuk platform peralatan perikanan, industri dan pembiayaan dengan teknologi blockchain. Situs web

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Shells Started to Disappear, Fishermen Start Searching for Sea Cucumbers

This article is part of the #PelangiDiLautan : Welfare program for smiles at sea

This program is a collaboration between several blockchain-based companies to introduce and explore sea cucumbers more broadly, improve the standard of living and welfare of fishermen, and commit to realize a better economic ecosystem.

The writings in the #PelangiDiLautan program are inspired by the experience carried out in the Saumlaki area, West Southeast Maluku. However, some characters, characters, events, locations and dialogues are fiction and are arranged dramatically to make it more interesting. If there are similarities in the names of characters, places of events or stories, it is merely a coincidence and there is no element of intent

||eeThat afternoon, Mamik Slamet (40), landed his boat at the port of the Fish Auction Place (TPI), Randuboto Village, Sidayu District, Gresik Regency, East Java. The traditional boat is 9 meters long, 2 meters wide, is used by local fishermen to look for species of sea cucumbers. Sea cucumbers are Holothuroidea invertebrates or animals that do not have a backbone, can be consumed, can even be used as medicine. Local residents called it Blonyo, has a kind of yellow color, slimy and resembles a giant maggot.

“Almost every day I look for Blonyo, except on Sundays I don’t go to sea,” said Slamet.

He told me to look for animals that can be found starting from the tidal zone to the deep sea, he must travel 10 kilometers from the mainland by boat. Slamet said to find this sea cucumber, it starting from the morning before sunrise, or at dawn around 05:00 WIB until around 12.00 WIB then returned to the mainland, passing through the Bengawan Solo river, where the Fish Auction. Within a day he claimed to be able to bring three quintal sea cucumbers from the Java Sea waters.

At the auction site, there were already wives waiting to help clean up these invertebrates before they were sold to collectors in the local area. Slamet is one of the dozens of fishermen who depend on their lives looking for sea cucumbers from the north coast sea of ​​Gresik. In addition to sea cucumbers, there are also local fishermen who are looking for fish, crabs, and shellfish. The fisherman lands his boat at the Fish Auction Place (TPI) of Randuboto Village, Sidayu District, Gresik Regency, East Java.

Located on the coast of the Java Sea, Gresik and its surroundings, including areas with an abundance of all marine products, one of which is sea cucumbers. Ivul, the wife of a local fisherman, said to look for animals which are also known as sea cucumbers, he said there is no seasonal. Every day there is always someone looking for at sea, and have never had difficulties, even during the rainy season. Because he considers, for this sea cucumber is relatively large compared to shellfish that are seasonal.

For this reason, in meeting their daily needs, fishermen who initially look for shellfish, then turn to look for sea cucumbers. Besides being easy to get and not knowing the season, the price can also be said to be stable. If sea cucumbers are small it cost  Rp.350rb / kg is valued from fishermen. For the large size can be valued Rp. 4 million / kg.

“Later, from collectors, they say they will be sent to Semarang, Gresik City, and Surabaya,” Ivul said while cleaning sea cucumber dirt one by one. To clean it, he only uses a razor blade.

The sun was rising, the fishermen one by one began to arrive. Occasionally, Ivul greets his partner who comes, then his hands again deftly take sea cucumbers from the boat by using a basin basket to be removed to the surface of the boat, so that the splitting process is easier. One by one the sea cucumbers are split, within a period of two hours, as many as 3 quintals of sea cucumber her husband’s catch has been cleaned. The next process, from the sea cucumber boat and then put in blue plastic jerry cans, then lifted to the cart to be delivered to the middleman.

In contrast to Slamet, who has worked as a fisherman for decades looking for sea cucumbers. Ivul’s husband, he said, had only been looking for sea cucumbers for about 5 years, initially, he only looked for shellfish. Over time, the presence of shellfish is increasingly difficult. Besides that, it is also seasonal. So that her husband is now more focused looking for sea cucumbers.

For the process of searching for sea cucumbers while at sea, Slamet tells, arrived at the location where many cucumbers are found under the sea. Then he threw a tool with a depth of 4 meters, the tool Local people call it a kerit, with a fabric of 18 stainless steel rods similar to a hook arranged in a row like a bent fork. After that, the tool is pulled up, do it many times. Once leaving, Slamet claimed he only needed five liters of diesel, at a cost of Rp. 30 thousand.

“One way, the average sale yield is Rp. 300 thousand, the search is half a day. “For the market, there are already accommodating themselves, he said processed into snacks in the form of crackers,” he said.

Observing where the sea cucumbers gather so that the harvest can be more abundant, fishermen work together with Ledgernow, they consider Ledgernow has an important role in the process of finding abundant harvests, helping the processing process so that the sea cucumbers produced have the best quality with modern technology to help fishermen clean up sea cucumbers more easily. For more details, click the following link

Researcher at the Indonesian Institute of Sciences’ Oceanography Research Center (LIPI), Ratih Pangestuti explained, sea cucumbers have the potential to be developed as an anti-cancer drug. This animal is considered active as an anticancer of breast and ovarian cancer. According to him, LIPI is committed to researching and developing active ingredients from marine organisms as anti-cancer agents, and also food used to prevent cancer.

The food concept mentioned is the food component that serves to improve the condition of the body’s resistance and reduce the risk of contracting various diseases, including cancer. With AELL we can interact directly with doctors so as not to contract cancer that can damage our bodies, especially fishermen who play an important role in finding sea cucumbers in the sea. AELL can also provide medical records, so we can monitor how our own body’s health. For more about AELL, click the following link

Temindo (Teknologi Mandiri Indonesia, PT)

TEMINDO is a company that provides business automation solutions for the integration and collaboration of companies with blockchain technology.


PureHeart is an initiative based on social activities committed to sustainable development goals with end-to-end blockchain technology so that the standard of living of Indonesians is increasing.

SSC (Sustainable Supply Chain)

SSC (Sustainable Supply Chain) is a blockchain solution for fast and safe collaboration for companies in the supply chain that aims to reduce operational costs, improve customer service and accelerate the delivery of goods and services to consumers.


YONK is a financial management application for SME owners (Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises) so that they get real time financial reports with prediction analysis features to help improve the credibility of MSMEs to finance companies (Financing Companies) using blockchain technology.


AELL is a solution to help manage digital medical record data integrated and integrated between hospitals and clinics so as to speed up the process of patient care, facilitate referral and protect patient data with blockchain technology.

Global Usaha Semesta

Global Usaha Semesta is a solution in the fishing industry related to trade, transportation, agriculture and fishing production services. Serving as the core that supports the operational needs of fishermen partners / plasma in the form of support for fisheries equipment platforms, industry and financing with blockchain technology. Website