Maritime Transformation

Shipping is the engine of the global economy, making up some 90% of world trade. That’s not easy to express in monetary terms, although experts estimate it at over $10 trillion a year. Maritime blockchain could transform this industry and bring multiple benefits to importers, exporters, transporters, ship owners, and even governments. LedgerNow technology has the potential to revolutionise the maritime industry and bring it into the 21st century. This complex ecosystem could greatly benefit from a robust digital platform to exchange data in real time. One of the main benefits of LedgerNow to the maritime industry is cutting down bureaucracy. For international shipments, companies and customs officials are forced to fill out over 20 different types of documents (most of them paper-based) to move goods from exporter to importer.

The largest industrial technology exhibition in the world, the Hannover Messe 2020 officially postponed to July 13-17. Ledgernow will present the first blockchain system in Indonesia that gives users a lot to do. Blockchain has a big impact on the sustainability of users' lives. Intrigued by the ledgernow blockchain system? Note the date and attendance of the Hannover Messe 2020, in Germany.

Nelayan directly monitors the distribution of fishermen product to consumers. This application supports supply chain systems using Blockchain technology so that shipments can be tracked in real-time and all data presented in detail and accurately. Thats way the work of a fisherman will be easier so fishermen lifes in Indonesia will be more advanced and prosperous by using the Nelayan application.

GUS is present as an answer to the problems of fishermen in the fisheries and marine distribution service sector in order to create fishermen welfare and a sustainable economy for fishermen. With GUS, convenience will be felt by fishermen in a short period of time.

ATM is a startup that helps fishermen maximize the potential of the sea owned by Indonesian waters and improve the welfare of fishermen's economy for the sake of survival. Answering the problem of fishermen in terms of funding between fishermen and fish collectors at the port in a safe and transparent manner.